30 things in 30 days for 30 years - DAY 26

Day 26 of the 30/30/30 challenge - HOBO DAY!!!

"Happy Hobo Day" is the now annual greeting for May 25th! Well, it should be! Panhandling was the name of this day's game and I was really exited at first. I had my sign all made up "Turning 30 need money for balloons", Doc's old camo jacket and I hadnt washed my hair in over a week - note, that last part was not for the day's challenge, that's just normal for my life!

I actually decided that Hobo Day deserved clean hair, so I got into the shower and cleansed myself off with all the awesome practically free shit I had gotten the day before during my extreme couponing binge, slapped on a little makeup so I looked like a put together hobo that just needed a break for balloons!

I had no idea where to go but as the time grew closer I got more and more nervious. I did not want to go downtown for fear of getting into a hobo fight and having to go all ninja on a homeless toothless flea infected fabreeze needing vagrant. The thought of bringing fabreeze to the masses did strike me as pleasant and mother teresa-ish but if I am going to fabreeze anyone its going to be those worthless dirty fucking hippies on Hawthorn, stinkin up a rather delightful area of town. Thats right hippies, I am talking to you - I might have greasy hair and not wear a bra everyday but that is in the privacy of my own damn home and not in a busy shopping district! I also dont have ONE disgusting dreadlock filled with elmers glue, honey, and bugs. You disgust me and I will fabreeze you you dirty sonsofbitches!!! - wow, sorry for the rant.. back to the point, I did not want to move in on anyone's territory so I knew that I was going to get a crappy corner (insert prostitute joke of your choosing here).

Did you know: "Oregon has the highest proportion of homeless people in the nation, according to a new report on homelessness issued by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development." - Portland Tribune, click here to read full article.

I started to have second thoughts as we drove toward the freeway in Troutdale. I knew I wanted to find a safe place where Doc could be near by in the car - just in case - and I started to care less and less about how much money I was going to rack in. We found a spot just off the highway at a stop light adjacent to an empty parking lot for Doc to park in. I got my sign out and walked over to the corner.

Slowly and reluctantly I raised my sign. The humor in this challenge quickly morphed into humiliation as I stood there with my sign, unable to meet the eye of any passing drivers as they were visibly uncomfortable by my presence. The light turned red and for 30-40 seconds an array of vehicles were stopped, trying not to look at me and trying to decide if my sign was a joke or if I was just a funny - well put together - bum. Most that did look at me decided that I was an asshole either way and glared at me. The first glare I got threw me into a hysterical fit of laughter. I had to hold up the sign to hide my face and after that I became increasingly more humiliated and uncomfortable. After 5-7 full minutes I had had enough and was calling this challenge quits!! I ran back to Doc who had been filming me and crying with laughter the entire time.

So, in the end I walked away with zero funds and a platter full of appreciation for my life and all that I am fortunate enough to have, not just material things but the emotional and mental support from my friends and family and a big dose of humility. So next time you're driving by someone on the side of the road with a legitimate sign and need for help, know that standing there silently asking is not easy and that every little bit of kindness you can offer up will help!


1 comment:

Etta said...

You'd make a terrible hobo - which is a shame, since you are so well-versed in the art of not showering.