30 things in 30 days for 30 years - DAY 13

Day 13 of the 30/30/30 challenge - sing karaoke!

This is the blog that I know a few people have been waiting for. Singing karaoke for the first time. First allow me to send an apologize to my two dear friends Shawna and Jaime.

Its probably been 10 years, I was 19/20 with a fake ID and Shawna, Jaime, and I were taring up the Gresham night life, which back then was pretty fun! One fine Tuesday afternoon, fondly referred to as "Margarita Tuesday" - we also had "Vodka Monday", "Tequila Wednesday", "Shit Faced Friday" - and so on. Every day had a different theme and every night brought a new adventure, some of which I am happy to not remember. This particular Margarita Tuesday took us to Tocho's II Mexican Grill on 181st and Burnside. We headed to the bar and guzzled down vats worth of fruity margaritas. We were 3 of the maybe 10 patrons in the bar when the karaoke DJ started setting up. The obvious "Girls just want to have fun" was immediately selected by this rowdy group of gals. Shawna and Jaime both have pretty amazing singing voices, though they would probably never admit it and if asked again to sing karaoke both would probably spit in your eye and walk away, I on the other hand sound like a dying cat when belting out a ballot of any genre.

When I said I was going to sing karaoke for the first time they both reminded me of our Tocho's sing-a-long and I had to admit in shame that while they sang their hearts out about girls having fun I hid behind them lip singing!!! I am fake! A fraud! A bad drunken karaoke buddy!!! So for that, my dearest of friends, I am sorry.

Needless to say Shawna wanted a front row seat for the train wreck that was appropriately scheduled for Friday the 13th - scary is about the only thing the night promised! Of all the things on my list, singing karaoke in public was the one I was dreading the most! I was super nervous. We walked up to the No Place Saloon in town where I knew that they had karaoke and I got my birthday drink early, I think this called for it, I got a Tuaca on the rocks, shaken and delicious. My first sip was like welcoming an old friend home after a year of no contact! I had three in total, one for each decade!

Something else never before experienced happened on day 13. My sister joined me at the bar, I have never been to a bar with my sister! If fact it was a first time she has ever been in a real bar!! She has been to establishments like McMenamins, while awesome and the first place I had my first adult beverage, McMenamins is not in the same class as a divey dingy sports bar! I was ecstatic to share that with her, though if asked to go again she would probably decline which works out great because enjoying a delicious Ruby while sitting outside the Rams Head on 23rd people watching is far more my style these days anyway!

I thought long and hard about what song I was going to perform. I knew I never ever planned on singing karaoke again so I decided to go big or go home. I was going to make it as fun as possible and try to get the entire bar laughing - mission accomplished!

I would not tell Heather or Shawna what song I was going to sing, so I am not going to tell you know either..... you'll just have to sit back and enjoy the video found at the bottom of the page! Oh, I will also tell you this though - I completely lost my voice and after three days it is still hoarse!!!

Hello old friend

Heather, Me, Shawna

Doc and I walking back home after an amazing set! LOL

CAUTION - the video you are about to watch contains ridiculous amounts of humor, eating or drinking while watching this video is not advised!


1 comment:

Sarah said...

AHAHAHAHA..... I would have peed my pants. Great job woman!