30 things in 30 days for 30 years - DAY 22

Day 22 of the 30/30/30 challenge - participate in a walkathon.

I knew I wanted to walk in a walkathon or marathon of some sort but finding one last minute started to be easier said than done. Finally I came across an upcoming walkathon put on by NAMIWalks.

NAMI - the National Alliance on Mental Illness is an organization helping to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness. Some of the illnesses they are helping to provide support, information, and research for are (but not limited to)
Do any of these strike home for you? The answer is yes for me.

I had written about a time in my life where one of the listed illnesses affected my life, the things I remember and felt and saw, but have since decided to delete it. Writing about it seemed disrespectful so I am choosing to just keep it to myself and simply say, I have been touched by the some of things that NAMI has listed as the illnesses they are so wonderfully helping.

I signed up for the NAMIWalks NW walkathon with a $100 goal, a goal I am proud to say was not only met but far exceeded! Thanks to all of you that sponsored me I was able to raise $160 in less than 4 days!

The morning of the walk I got up early, bought some new sneakers, filled my water bottle, got out my camera and we headed downtown. Doc and Ana were not walking with me, I wish they would have and later found out they could have. Next year then. I got checked in, got a t-shirt for my sponsorships raised, and got in line next to the Portland Police walkers. There was a nice band playing and venders selling food and water before the walk began. I sat and watched. The 5k walk began at the Vera Katz Eastbank Esplanade*SE Main at SE Water on the East waterfront. The 5k walk went down the east side of the Willamette river then over the steal bridge, along side the waterfront, and back over the Hawthorne bridge. Its a beautiful walk, one I have never taken but plan to again soon.

"In 2011, thousands of concerned citizens in over 80 communities across the nation will walk together to raise money and awareness about our country's need for a world-class treatment and recovery system for people with mental illness. " - www.nami.org

Special thanks to those how sponsored me during the walk, if you want to donate you still can by going to http://www.nami.org/namiwalks11/NOR/melissafilich


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